
Access to trustworthy and reliable information is essential in a civil society. In a world with many different and powerful stakeholders shaping the information landscape, the ease with which anyone can produce, use, and circulate data leads to the unresolved question of how authoritative information could possibly be distinguished from information sludge.

This question is becoming increasingly pressing for institutions that operate in the public interest. Datafication of society and the use of ever-changing digital applications create complex and dynamic technological environments. As a consequence, institutions have great difficulty in processing and managing data and information in a way that allows them to comply with  the rule of law. Traditional information and records management concepts and practices have been largely overtaken by the rapid technological and societal changes.

Tijdens dit symposium zal Martin Berendse, plaatsvervangend voorzitter van het Adviescollege Openbaarheid en Informatiehuishouding een bijdrage leveren. 
